Upstart Epoxy Highlights
- Proudly Made in the USA
- USA Phone Support (844) 247-3444
- 40,000+ Happy Customers
Why Switch? Upstart Tabletop Epoxy Offers Everything They Do... Plus More!
- Crystal Clear
- Easy 1:1 Ratio
- U.V. Resistant
- High Gloss
- Water-Resistant Coating
- Self Leveling
- Consistent Viscosity
- Food Safe (Complies with FDA Standards)
- No VOC's
- Low Odor
The Best Epoxy Resin
The best table top epoxy resin yet, the Upstart Epoxy Resin reimagines the traditional countertop epoxy experience with ultra-premium ingredients engineered for phenomenal results.
Beginner and Expert Friendly!
- Decide what you want you to create.
- Measure the surface and use our beginner-friendly Coverage Calculator to find out how much Upstart Epoxy you need.
- Place Your Order and follow our easy step-by-step Epoxy tutorial .
Upstart Epoxy makes it as easy as 1, 2, 3.