Epoxy Resin Molds: Practical Tips For Building DIY Epoxy Molds

To get the perfect shape for your epoxy project, you’ll need a mold. It’s always great to purchase molds for your projects, but if you’re comfortable enough with epoxy, you can create one of your own! Here’s how to make DIY epoxy resin molds for your future creations.

Skill Level: Intermediate/Expert

Estimated Working Time: 24-48 Hours

What You’ll Need:

  • Plywood
  • Tyvek Tape
  • Hot Glue Gun
  • Silicone
  • Putty Knife
  • Wood Slab
  • Mold Tool

Makeshift Molds

Nearly anything can be used as a mold! If you’re not into building your own mold from scratch, you can use alternatives such as baking pans, ice trays, or even candy molds. These come in different shapes and sizes, so they’re perfect for a variety of projects. Also, items like this are affordable and won’t break the bank!

DIY Molds 

Want to make your own mold? Grab some plywood and use a hot glue gun to keep the pieces together. Next, cover your plywood mold with Tyvek tape, and coat the tape with silicone. The silicone adds extra protection, prevents epoxy leaks, and stops the epoxy from sticking to the mold, which will make it easier to demold your project after it cures. 

Inspect Before Pouring 

Whether it’s a DIY mold, a makeshift mold, or a proper mold, inspect it for wear before you start pouring. This is an important step because if there’s any debris inside of the mold, it will get into your project and prevent it from curing properly. Checking the mold first will save you from potentially ruining your work! 

Demolding Your Epoxy Project

Demolding is the most satisfying part of the project process. Line up a putty knife in between the mold and a piece of wood, then slam the knife between the two. Next, grab a mold tool and stick it in there, slamming all the way down to the bottom. 

You should hear a satisfying crack- that lets you know that the epoxy has separated from the mold. Pop it out and take a look at it, making sure that there’s no damage and no dips. This method prevents breaks, and ensures that there's no cracking or chipping on the epoxy.